Tsinghua University - HKUMed Medical Engineering Student Exchange

13-19 Aug 2023

Event Date(s)/Period(s)
13-19 August 2023

The Tsinghua University – HKUMed Medical Engineering Student Exchange was an esteemed RPg exchange opportunity organised as part of the China 10,000 Exchange Programme 2023. The aim of the initiative was to foster and strengthen collaborations with universities in Mainland China through student exchanges, joint research endeavors, experiential learning, and social service programs.

During the exchange trip to the School of Clinical Medicine at Tsinghua University in Beijing, participants had the invaluable opportunity to visit cutting-edge laboratories and University Affiliated Hospitals. Additionally, forums and seminars were organised, providing a platform for participants to share their research work with their Tsinghua counterparts and to actively engage with seasoned professionals in their respective fields.



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