07-11 Aug 2023

Event Date(s)/Period(s)
From 07 to 11 August 2023

Organised by:
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, SClinMed

In order to promote orthopaedic education in the younger generation, Teenage OrthoPod Scheme (TOPS) was held on 7-11 August 2023. This five-day attachment programme allowed 14 high school students to shadow the orthopaedic surgeons to obtain first-hand information about their work. Students were given the opportunity to attend ward rounds, outpatient clinics, operations and conferences, as well as to participate in surgical workshops. They also participated in hands-on workshops, which involved activities such as applying plaster casts and practicing fracture fixation techniques using sawbone models. The Faculty also shared their experience on the use of artificial intelligence for medical research.



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