Visit by Representatives of HKU-SZH and Students of the Chinese Advanced Neonatal Education and Training Course

09 June 2023

Event Date(s)/Period(s)
09 June 2023

Organised by:
School of Nursing

Representatives from HKU-SZH and 22 students of the Chinese Advanced Neonatal Education and Training Course visited the School of Nursing on 9 June 2023. Professor Chia-Chin Lin (林佳靜), Director of HKU School of Nursing, and teaching staff welcomed the delegated to the clinical skills laboratory and simulation training centre equipped with the latest technology ranging from virtual reality to robotics. Teaching staff of the School of Nursing demonstrated the state-of-art simulation facilities, including high-fidelity adult, child and baby simulators that effectively replicate real-world situations.  The delegates were impressed by the use of technology in nursing teaching. Both parties appreciated the time to exchange knowledge and insights on nursing education with each other.



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