MBBS White Coat Ceremony cum Pin Presentation for  
MBBS (Distinguished MedScholar) Students 

09 September 2023

The MBBS White Coat Ceremony for MBBS Year 1 students was held in the Grand Hall of the HKU Centennial Campus, signifying students’ embarkment on their medical journey.   

Following the welcome address by Professor Chak-sing Lau (劉澤星), Dean of Medicine, over 300 MBBS new students had their white coat donned by the deanery and teachers. The event was also participated by students’ families, friends as well as the School Principals and representatives of their alma maters.  Following the introduction of the Declaration of Geneva by Professor Gilberto Leung (梁嘉傑), Associate Dean (Teaching & Learning), the students then took the Declaration led by the Dean.   

After the White Coat Ceremony, a Pin Presentation Ceremony was also conducted, during which a special pin was presented to each of the MBBS (Distinguished MedScholar) student by Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of Medicine, reconsiging and celebrating their perseverance and dedication. 

The MBBS (Distinguished MedScholar) is a new study track launched in the 2023-24 academic year. The Faculty would provide additional learning resources and mentorship for high achieving students who aspire to study Medicine at HKU.  


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