07 December 2020

Event Date(s)/Period(s)
7 December 2020

Organised by
School of Nursing

School of Nursing, HKUMed, organised the online Universitas 21 Asia Pacific Research Postgraduate Symposium with four U21 members on 7 December 2020. In addition to HKUMed the U21 participants were Fudan University, The University of Melbourne, and University of Auckland. The symposium was chaired and moderated by Dr Julia Slark, Coordinator of the Deans of Nursing and Midwifery Group of U21 Health Sciences Group. It featured postgraduate students presenting and discussing their research projects. HKU School of Nursing PhD students, Ms Lubecca Zhao (趙盛之) and Ms Naomi Takemura (竹村奈緒美) won the Outstanding Presentation Award and Peers' Choice Presentation Award, respectively.


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