01 May 2021

Event Date(s)/Period(s)
15 – 16 May 2021

Organised by
Department of Medicine

The 25th Hong Kong Medical Forum organised by the Department of Medicine was held successfully in a virtual format. This year’s forum, with the theme of ‘The Pursuit of Excellence in Medical Education and Practice’, not only marked its silver jubilee but also held in a brand-new format that attracted over 2,500 registrations and 1,700+ viewership. Chaired by Professor Eric Tse Wai-choi (謝偉財), the Organising Committee had invited Mr Henry Fan (范鴻齡), Chairman of the Hospital Authority, as honourable guest to give the opening remarks. The programme featured two plenary lectures, namely David Todd Distinguished Lecture given by Professor Karen Lam Siu-Ling (林小玲)and the Richard Yu Lecture given by Professor Lai Ching-lung(黎青龍). Twelve overseas experts, including Professor Michael Boyer of The University of Sydney, Australia; Professor Han-Mo Chiu of National Taiwan University Hospital, Taiwan; Professor Roy Gardner of The University of Glasgow, United Kingdom; Dr Gianluca Ianiro and Dr Serena Porcari of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy; Professor Steven Kahn of The University of Washington, United States; Dr Hilary Longhurst of The University of Auckland, New Zealand; Professor Sten Madsbad and Professor Peter Rossing of The University of Copenhagen, Denmark; Professor Fausto Pinto of The University of Lisbon, Portugal; Dr Robert Provenzano of Wayne State University, United States; and Professor Nicholas Talley of The University of Newcastle, Australia shared their valuable insights on the new therapies and novel management strategies on a wide-ranging diseases and conditions. Together with 17 local speakers, the forum covered essential topics across different disciplines in medicine and it signified the new frontier of clinical practice.


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