16 September 2021

Event Date(s)/Period(s)
16 September 2021

Organised by
AIDS Institute

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic poses greater challenges on HIV/AIDS prevention and patients’ care. It is essential for the medical professionals and students from Hong Kong to understand the critical issues on fighting two pandemics at the same time. For this reason, HKUMed’s AIDS Institute co-organised the workshop through collaboration with AIDS clinicians, Gilead Science Inc. and three Hong Kong non-governmental organisations (NGOs) including Hong Kong Coalition of AIDS Service Organizations (HKCASO), AIDS Concern and Gay Harmony. Professor Chen Zhiwei(陳志偉), Director of HKUMed AIDS Institute, chaired the workshop. Dr Wilson Lam, a consultant in infectious disease, gave a comprehensive lecture on HIV management under COVID-19, followed by experience sharing on HIV stigma by NGO leaders Ms Colinette Kwong, Mr Francis Tang and a person living with HIV.


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