15 June 2021

Event Date(s)/Period(s)
15 June 2021

Organised by
Department of Ophthalmology

The inaugural HKU Ophthalmology Distinguished Lecture was held on the 15 June 2021. We were honoured to have Professor Walton Li (李維達), Medical Superintendent and Founding Head of Ophthalmology of the Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital, as our orator.

The evening began with Professor Leung Wai-keung(梁偉強), our faculty’s Associate Dean of Research, delivering a welcoming speech. Professor Walton Li then delivered a highly enjoyable and insightful look into the history and development of Ophthalmology in Hong Kong, the Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation and the Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital.

The lecture was followed by a Q&A session, moderated by Professor Christopher KS Leung(梁啟信), Department Head of HKU Ophthalmology, where Professor Li emphasised the need for collaboration between ophthalmologists of Hong Kong, both public and private sectors, academic and service sectors, for the continued health and growth of our specialty.


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