Symposium 2021 of State Key Laboratory of Liver Research (HKU) and Theme-based Research Scheme Project on Liver Cancer Stemness

05 June 2021

Event Date(s)/Period(s)
5 June 2021

Organised by
State Key Laboratory of Liver Research

Symposium of State Key Laboratory of Liver Research (SKLLR) and Theme-based Research Scheme Project on Liver Cancer Stemness (TRS) is a signature annual event of SKLLR since 2011 and came to the 10th round this year. Held in hybrid mode, more than 230 delegates attended the Symposium either physically or virtually, comprising scientists, clinicians, medical personnel as well as academics and research postgraduate students.

We were honoured to have Professor Weiping Zou (鄒偉平)(University of Michigan, USA) and Professor Mohammed Eslam (University of Sydney, Australia) as the keynote speakers to share their cutting-edge research and new clinical developments on liver diseases. Senior scientists and young researchers presented their recent significant research findings, both clinical and of basic science. The audience found the Symposium 2021 a fulfilling event.


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