We would like to express our gratitude and best wishes to the following staff members who have left the Faculty:

Professor James Chim Chor-sang(詹楚生)

Department of Medicine

Professor Joseph Lui Cho-ze (雷操奭)

LKS Faculty of Medicine

Professor Tsoi Nai-shun (蔡迺舜)

Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine

Dr Chiu Kin (趙健)

Department of Ophthalmology

Dr Keith Chiu Wan-hang  (趙允恒)

Department of Diagnostic Radiology

Dr Janice Mary Johnston (莊臻寧)

School of Public Health

Dr Ma Ka-wing (馬家榮)

Department of Surgery

Dr Lam Tai-chung (林泰忠)

Department of Clinical Oncology

Dr Lai, Kwok-on (黎國安)

School of Biomedical Sciences

Dr William Li Ho-cheung (李浩祥)

School of Nursing

Dr Claire Nestor

Department of Anaesthesiology

Dr Victoria Tan Ping-yi (陳萍兒)

Department of Medicine

Dr Mary Tang Hoi-yin (唐海燕)

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Dr So Tsz-him (蘇子謙)

Department of Clinical Oncology

Dr Wong Thian Sze(黃天仕)

Department of Surgery

Dr Harry Wu Yi-jui (吳易叡)

Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit (MEHU), LKS Faculty of Medicine