
HKUMAA 130 Mentorship Programme Online Inauguration Ceremony

16 January 2022

On 16 January 2022, HKU Medical Alumni Association (HKUMAA) held an Online Inauguration Ceremony to officially launch the new cohort of the 130 Mentorship Programme. The event was attended by over 100 mentors and mentees.

The 130 Mentorship Programme is an initiative established in 2017 to facilitate knowledge exchange and to build a professional network between young medical alumni and students with senior alumni. It is currently at its third cohort spanning from 2021 to 2023.

Dr Matthew Tsui (徐錫漢醫生), President of HKUMAA, kick-started the Ceremony with a heartfelt welcoming speech, followed by Dr Libby Lee (李夏茵醫生) and Dr Kevin Lau (劉仲恒醫生), Co-Chairmen of the Programme, who further shared objectives, structure and activities of the Programme. Dr Catherine Chong and Dr James Wesley Cheng, recurring Mentors of the programme, also shared some invaluable insights and tips. 

The Ceremony ended with a 20-minute breakout session, where mentors and mentees were split into smaller groups to engage in meaningful and interactive discussion.



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