01 November 2021
Last year, two HKUMed biomedical students Chan Jia-hui (BM2025) and Marcus Wan Chun-tao (BM2025) took part in an elderly visit in the Wong Tai Sin District in which they delivered daily necessities to the elderly’s doorsteps. The elderly were willing to share stories of their lives. Despite the bleakness of the pandemic, it was gratifying to see their optimism. Jia-hui and Marcus have also become Peer Supporters under the HKUMed Student Wellness Team. Through attending mental health courses, they have been equipped with essential communication skills as well as certain insight into mental health disorders. They organised wellness activities to promote the importance of attaining holistic well-being and offering support to fellow classmates. By giving back to the community, these volunteer experiences have been greatly rewarding to their school lives.


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