23 July 2022

HKUMed hosted a series of summer programmes under HKUMedify. Over 350 Secondary 4 and 5 students joined the four different programmes (Summer Immersion Programme [SIP], Teenage OrthoPod Scheme [TOPS], Discover HKU Nursing & Chinese Medicine Summer Immersion Course) to learn more about Medicine & Surgery, Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Nursing and Chinese Medicine.

In the SIP, participants enjoyed the master class with Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of Medicine, and different interactive workshops to learn more about Medicine. At the TOPS, students were mentored by teaching staff from the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, School of Clinical Medicine. Programmers offered by the School of Nursing and School of Chinese Medicine were held at the new learning venue, HKUMed Academic Building at 3 Sassoon Road, where participants enjoyed different interactive and hands-on clinical workshops.

The programmes allowed participants to engage with our world-leading teachers and researchers, as well as our current students, and to have a glimpse of life as medical students at HKUMed.


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