01 June 2022
In summer 2022, two biomedical students Lai Hok-lam (BM2025) and Marcus Wan Chun-tao (BS2025) undertook volunteer work to give back to the community.

It was Hok-lam’s first time being a volunteer at an animal centre and his first job was to bathe some dogs. Unfamiliar with his duty at the beginning, Hok-lam was touched by the dogs’ friendliness, and empathised with their unfortunate past of being disowned. The experience inspired him to show more care to others including abandoned animals which are often neglected, and to continue his voluntary work.

Marcus joined the Health Ambassador Scheme organised by the Hong Kong Eating Disorders Association, to help raise public awareness of eating disorders, which not only adversely affect patients’ physical health, but also their social and mental health including possible social withdrawal and lowered self-esteem. As a Health Ambassador, Marcus attended training to learn about about common malnutrition illnesses, including their demographics, distinctive features and suggested remedies. He also participated in outreach events in local schools and engage young students through games and exhibitions to help promote positive body image and healthy food choices to attain holistic well-being.


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