Research Postgraduate Student Exchange

The Research Postgraduate Student Exchange Scheme, via the financial support provided through its associated funding schemes, was established with the aim to encourage student exchange activities. The Scheme allows HKUMed RPg students, through conducting part of their research projects at a partner institution overseas, to increase their international exposure and acquire advanced knowledge and research techniques complementary to those available at HKU.


RPg supervisors are also welcome to receive incoming visiting students of collaborators or from partner institutions.


Students who are interested in joining the Scheme should first discuss with their supervisors to explore such opportunities. Supervisors who have established collaborations with researchers at overseas institutions are also encouraged to identify suitable RPg students for research exchange for one or two semester(s).


Applications for the Scheme should be submitted to the Faculty Office at least 3 months before the proposed commencement date. The Faculty Higher Degrees Committee (FHDC) will consider applications regularly. Enquiries can be directed to

The following funding schemes are available to outbound RPg students and the Faculty will allocate the appropriate Scheme/Fellowship to applicants based on their candidature, duration of exchange and other information provided on the application form. Separate applications are not required. Please note that allocations are subject to funding availability and quotas.

Research Postgraduate Student Exchange Scheme (For MPhil and PhD candidates)

A monthly subsistence allowance up to HK$5,000 will be provided to the successful applicants for this Scheme in addition to the Postgraduate Scholarship (PGS). For supervisors sending students (under Type B or Type C places) abroad for exchange, funding support from the Faculty amounting to 40% of the student’s PGS will be granted during the period of exchange.

Bau Tsu Zung Bau Kwan Yeu Hing Research and Clinical Fellowship (For PhD candidates only)

The fellowship shall cover round-trip airfare at cheapest economy class, accommodation up to HK$5,000 and other expenses relevant to the training/visit, as appropriate. The exchange period must be between 3 months and 2 years. Concurrent awards from other sources are not allowed.

Important: Applications for outbound exchange must be submitted to the Faculty Office for FHDC consideration at least 3 months before the proposed commencement date. Please be reminded that students should stay at HKU in the last 6 months of their candidature.

RPg supervisors are welcome to receive incoming visiting students of collaborators or from partner institutions for one or two semester(s). Interested staff members should submit the completed Recommendation Form for RPg Inbound Student Exchange to the Faculty Office at least 3 months before the proposed commencement date for the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee (FHDC) consideration.

For supervisors accepting visiting students from overseas collaborators, a subsidy of HK$2,000 per month will be provided for research supplies and consumables used in the course of research training at the Faculty, up to a maximum of HK$20,000.

For exchange students coming to HKU, waiver of tuition fees will be sought on the condition that there is reciprocal arrangement with the partner institution and they shall be responsible for their own traveling expenses, accommodation expenses, medical expenses and insurance. The host departments should help them secure accommodation either on- or off- campus.