HKUMed Undergraduate Prospectus

Mr YEUNG Chun Wing (fifth left) Research Attachment - Role of APOBEC3 cytidine deaminase enzymes in multiple myeloma at Yale University, USA Mr CHEUNG Chi Hang (first left) Research Attachment - Relationship between exercise and mental health at School of Public Health, HKU, Hong Kong Miss CHANG Tsz Paak (first right) Service/Humanitarian Work - Public Health Leadership: Service in Yunnan/Guangxi, China “ …, (The Enrichment Year) gave me the chance to learn how to troubleshoot and interpret data when faced with unexpected experimental results … ” “ It is a very inspiring experience and it has enriched my knowledge about global health policies. ” “ I learnt to appreciate the difference between people, food, architecture and culture. I am glad to have witnessed the harmony built in our diverse global village. ” Miss WONG Constance Ji-yen Service/Humanitarian Work - Mission to El Salvador by Operation Mobilisation (HK) “ The Enrichment Year has been a life- changing journey of self-exploration and global exposure. ” BACHELOR OF MEDICINE & BACHELOR OF SURGERY (MBBS) 2. Research Attachment Research projects at labs of HKU or renowned institutions such as University of Cambridge, Yale University, and London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine 28 3. Service/Humanitarian Work Participating local/overseas NGOs such as WHO, Red Cross, Salvation Army and Sowers Action 21 21 20