HKUMed Undergraduate Prospectus

BACHELOR OF MEDICINE & BACHELOR OF SURGERY (MBBS) PROGRAMME FEATURES The MBBS curriculum is not only about training doctors but also personal development and fulfilment. Our programme provides you with ample opportunities for personal growth that will carry you well into your later years when you will serve and excel as responsible citizens, colleagues, teachers and friends within our profession and community. It is not without good reasons that many of the leaders in our field are HKUMed graduates! Active and Student-centred Learning Problem-based, small-group tutorials enable every student to participate and be active in managing their learning, and to examine and understand what and how they learn. These tutorials are also effective for developing your interpersonal communication and teamwork skills – how to argue, agree, disagree and agree to disagree. E-learning Your learning will take place through an innovative “blended” approach of conventional classes, small-group tutorials and e-learning resources. The latter will enable you to learn at your own pace and time, supplemented by interactive forums to discuss clinical cases that give you an opportunity to apply your learning. Early Clinical Exposure and Structured Acquisition of Clinical Interpersonal Skills From as early as the first semester of Year 1, you will start learning the interpersonal and clinical skills necessary for effective and compassionate patient care. This exposure will gradually increase in terms of mastery and complexity. Much of the learning will take place in the purpose- built Clinical Skills Training Centre, assisted by a well- developed clinical skills e-platform. Comprehensive Hospital-based, Community-based and Primary Care Experience Alongside learning that takes place within hospitals, you will gain first-hand experience in a wide variety of community-based settings that involve family physicians, maternal and child health services, hospices and patient support groups. You will gain a holistic perspective on patient management and understand the importance of judicious use of health care resources and effective integration between primary and secondary care. Focus on Medical Ethics and Humanities Ethical principles and humanitarian values are absolutely essential for doctors to meet the needs and demands of 21 st century healthcare. You will learn how these principles and values underpin health care practice, as well as your professional and legal obligations, through the medical ethics and medical humanities programmes. Enrichment Opportunities Our programme goes well beyond vocational training. Your third year of study, which we call the Enrichment Year, will give you an unprecedented opportunity to explore areas of interest to you in either medical or non- medical fields, in Hong Kong or abroad, and design your own learning programme. Similarly, in Year 6, after the final examination, the four-week MBBS Elective lets you delve into a medical area of your choice. Practicing Scientific Research Research is indispensable to the development of intellectual and analytical skills, essential for modern medical practice. We actively encourage you to undertake research that interests and excites you. You will participate in Health Research Projects that may lead to output in the format of a scientific journal. Your research can be clinical in orientation or laboratory-based, be part of a project led by Faculty sta members or initiated entirely by you, under close supervision during the Enrichment Year/MBBS Elective. Meeting the Demands of Tomorrow The curriculum is being constantly renewed in light of emerging knowledge and societal needs to ensure your training is fit-for-purpose and forward-looking. Inter-professional Learning Inter-professional education is an emerging and progressive area in modern health care where students will learn with and learn from those in other disciplines. This Faculty has taken the lead to introduce an inter- professional pathway so that medical, nursing, pharmacy students can have the opportunities to interact and to work with each other – much like the real-life situation after your graduation. For students with demonstrated academic potential and a genuine interest in developing inter-professional knowledge, skills, competence and expertise, the Faculty will o er them the opportunity to enroll in intercalated programmes, e.g. Master of Public Health, with the support of scholarships. 27 26