HKUMed Undergraduate Prospectus

Pending approval from the University BACHELOR OF NURSING (BNurs) Modes of Learning The BNurs programme incorporates various teaching and learning strategies, e.g., problem-based learning; inter-professional team-based learning; audiovisuals; computer-assisted learning, demonstrations, field trips and educational visits to clinical agencies and community settings. The main classroom teaching approaches include lectures, seminars and tutorials. Clinical education is achieved by laboratory teaching, innovative simulation activities and clinical practicum. Nursing skills are acquired through demonstrations, simulation, videos, computer-assisted learning and practice. For Life Sciences and Clinical Pharmacology courses, the laboratory experiences relate to demonstration of specific areas in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology and pharmacology. Clinical Practicum The programme emphasises on clinical practice. Students have the opportunity to learn and practise under the instruction and supervision of experienced teachers in all aspects of nursing - from basic to advanced complex care, in community and in comprehensive teaching hospitals, such as Queen Mary Hospital. Clinical practicum is arranged in blocks of practice to allow students to consolidate the nursing themes and skills. Clinical placements are arranged in: • community centres; • aged care centres; • outpatient clinics; and • specialties in hospitals, including Medical and Surgical Units, Paediatrics Unit, Obstetrics Unit, Accident & Emergency Unit, Operation Theatre, and many more. Overseas Exchange Opportunities The programme is designed to nurture nursing leaders with an international outlook. Students are provided with sponsorships to participate in overseas exchange programmes in top universities, including but not limited to: University of Pennsylvania, Case Western Reserve University, University of Toronto, Peking University, Korea University, The University of Tokyo, Kaohsiung Medical University, University of Navarra and The University of Sydney. Allocation of Credits Field of Study Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Basic / Medical and Surgical Nursing 24 18 - - - Behavioural Sciences - 12 - - - Life Sciences and Clinical Pharmacology 6 12 12 - - Ethics, Law and Professional Issues - - 9 - - Specialty Nursing - - 6 18 12 Chinese Medicine and Nursing - - - 6 - Community and Global Health Nursing - - - 6 - Clinical Reasoning in Practice - - - - 6 Management and Informatics - - - - 6 Life Enrichment Learning - - 6 - - Nursing Elective - - - - 6 Nursing Research/Statistics - - - 12 - Clinical Practicum - 6 18 18 30 Chinese Language 6 - - - - English Language 6 6 - - - Common Core Curriculum 24 12 - - - Total: 66 66 51 60 60 35 34