The Shaw Prize 2011

Programme (Tentative)

09:30 am Welcoming Address by
Professor Lap-Chee Tsui
Vice-Chancellor, The University of Hong Kong
09:35 am Introduction of Speakers by
Professor Pak-Chung Ho
Acting Dean, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
09:45 am "The Drosophila Antimicrobial Defense: a Paradigm for Innate Immunity"
by Professor Jules A Hoffmann
10:15 am "Host Defense Strategies"
by Professor Ruslan M Medzhitov
10:45 am "The Hunt for the LPS Receptor: Mouse Genetics Then and Now"
by Professor Bruce A Beutler
11:15 am Panel Discussion
11:45 am Presentation of Souvenir and Group Photos
12:00 noon End of the Lecture

The Lecture is organised by Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU

HKU 100 HKU The Shaw Prize