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Lunch with a Laureate Professor Peter Charles Doherty joined students from secondary schools and HKU in a lunchtime dialogue

25 May 2011

A group of 25 secondary school and university students, who come from Belilios Public School, Cheung Chuk Shan College, King George V School, La Salle College, Ying Wa Girls' School and The University of Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, joined the "Lunch with a Laureate" activity and had a dialogue with Professor Peter Charles Doherty, recipient of Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1996, over an informal lunch today (May 25, 2011).

The lunch, which was held in the Vice-Chancellor’s residence, the University Lodge, provided a rare opportunity for the young students to meet face-to-face with Nobel Laureate beyond lecture halls. In the two-hour dialogue, students and Professor Doherty had a fruitful discussion on various topics, including the challenges and prospect of combating viruses such as influenza. Professor Doherty also shared his experience in devoting himself to scientific research as well as his feelings towards being awarded the Nobel Prize.

As the Dragon Boat Festival is coming, students prepared sticky rice dumplings for the renowned professor to take a bite of the well-known traditional festive food. The students also introduced the origins and cultural activities of the festival to Professor Doherty, with a hope that he would enjoy the Chinese culture and ambience over his stay.

The "Lunch with a Laureate" activity is an extension of the Centenary Distinguished Lectures. It is specially arranged for the visiting Laureates and secondary school students, with an aim to inspire more young students by the sharing of the sages.

To use the press release photo(s) for any publishing, publicity and related purpose, photo courtesy should be given to “Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong”

Professor Peter Charles Doherty shared his experience and insights with the HKU medical students and secondary school students at the occasion of the “Lunch with a Laureate”.

Professor Peter Charles Doherty shared his experience and insights with the HKU medical students and secondary school students at the occasion of the “Lunch with a Laureate”.

Students introduced the sticky rice dumplings and the origins of Dragon Boat Festival to Professor Peter Charles Doherty.

Professor Peter Charles Doherty and the students took a group photo after the enjoyable lunch gathering.